
Online Conscious Relating Sessies met Marieke en Luc

A series of five Conscious Relating sessions guided by Rakesh & Elfriede in which an exercise / tool is introduced after each session to achieve more awareness working and mutual connection. The approach is to get in touch with the deeper inner processes without having to solve anything.

With these online sessions we try to give an idea of how we work and what this can bring about.

If you are interested in being guided by us as a couple, sign up here.

Free access to all exercises and explanations

The exercises that we have put together especially for Marieke and Luc after each session can be viewed for free. By submitting the form below you will receive a link to the exercise by email. Perhaps you can also apply this in your own relationship or this can be the first step to discover together whether you want to book Conscious Relating sessions with us.

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Sessie 1 - Kennismaking

Three videos

Acquaintance with Marieke and Luc and the topics involved.

Exercise: Welcoming what is. [6mins]
Explanation: dealing with the storm in yourself and resistance with the exercise. [6mins]

Sessie 2 - Weerstand

Three videos

How to deal with resistance when starting the exercise.

Exercise: Welcome what is. [13mins]
Explanation: Division after doing the exercise. [18mins]

Sessie 3 - Commitment

Three videos

Breaking patterns and dealing with commitment to the exercise.

The steps for creating a safe setting to do the exercise. [15mins]
Explanation: Creating a safe space for vulnerability. [4min]

Sessie 4 - Onderzoek

Three videos

Experiences through the practice and cultivating research.

Exercise: Expose your critic. [11mins]
Explanation: extra explanation about the exercise by Rakesh & Elfriede. [8mins]

Sessie 5 - Ontdekkingen

Two videos

Discoveries brought about by the exercise.

Finalizing of the series and word of thanks.


Sign up for Conscious Relating sessions with us.

Are you interested in booking a Conscious Relating session with us together with your partner? Let us know using the form below